“Opening Salvo” came from the cue: “Write a story of gripping suspense, with a ‘ticking bomb’ of some sort. Word limit: 1,500 words.”
“Moira” emerged from the cue: “Use this starter sentence to write your story: ‘We need to talk about Kevin.’ Word limit: 1,300 words.”
“A Valentine Trinket” was the exception: I came up with it cueless. It is, as the title says, just a little doo-dad about Valentine’s Day.
“Falling” arose from the cue: “Write a story that begins with this sentence: ‘Call me Maybe.’ Word limit: 1,000 words.” Went way over the word limit on this one.
“Translation” and “Spells” came from the cue: “Write a story that features a full moon and its effects on characters in the story. Word limit: 1,300 words.” I meant to make this a suite of three stories, but the third one just wouldn’t jell. The second of the stories, “Spells,” also went over the word limit.
All of these were fun to write!
All of these were fun to write!